My Visit to A Organic Cotton Mill - 工場見学へ行った話 -

//  English follows Japanese  //






As for the fashion material, organic cotton, which is environmentally or animal friendly as well as good for people who live that place, farm and use it, will be one of the best options.

However, it takes quite a lot of time and effort to grow… means it’s not suited for mass-consumption.

Looking at the reality, on the other hand, those stuff mass-produced efficiently are being disposed and polluting all over this planet.
It’s good to shop with low prices, but who got excited about it in a true sense? It doesn’t seem to be fun for not few people who engaged in and influenced by that industry, at least.

As I learned organic cotton, (which might be thought that for now it's only for those who is highly conscious about the environmental problem though…) I’d like to know about it more and decided to visit a organic cotton spinning mill the other day.

日本独自の「ガラ紡機」[ 1873年 / 臥雲辰致により発明 ]

元々、川水の流れを動力にしていたというのが納得できる、ゆるやかな動きと、ガラガラという軽快な音。最新式の紡績機と比べると、生産効率は100分の1 以下だそう。



They gave me a try to actually turn a Gara-bou throstle spinning machine, which is a Japanese original one invented by Tokimune Gaun in 1873.
It was originally powered by waterwheels on the banks of rivers, so it moves slowly and always rattles while working.

Its mechanism is close to the hand-spinning (it's only about one percent as efficient as modern spinning machines), so yarns produced on a Gara-bou machine are nonuniform and partly nubby, possessing a unique and warm touch.

The place was full of a warm and fuzzy feeling and people were really kind. They looked like they were enjoying and respecting their work.


やはり、科学の力はすごい・・・! 目にも止まらぬ早さで力強く動く巨大なマシーンを、動かしたり止めたりしながら、なにが得意で、なにには向いていないのか?仕組みを丁寧に教えていただきました。

They also showed me some weaving machines and told me their characteristics and how they work. Sturdy huge machines were moving vigorously, much faster than the eye could follow. ( It was the modern technology …! )


今後とも、whoopie roux をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします *

It’s going to be so long, so I'll write more later (or talk in person if there is any chance!), and for now I just want to say that I’m going to start with something small that I can do right now.

Nothing can be done only by myself, so I always welcome your help or advice.
I’m grateful to everyone involved with whoopie roux *

whoopie roux

whoopie roux | ウーピー ルー

" 主人公で 脚本家の、あなたへ " 人生という、長くて短い物語 ( ファンタジー ) 。 あなたらしさを思い出す、心強い味方を作っています。