

制作にあたり、whoopie roux では「アパレル工場での生産後、廃棄されてしまう残り糸」を買い取っています。




Complex, delicate and really cute —— these tweed designs and color schemes are all whoopie roux originals.

Whoopie roux has been buying large stocks of leftover yarn from apparel factories which were once supposed to be disposed to cut down the storage cost. They are still in very good condition, and some of them were even used for high-end brands.

Handweaving makes use of even short lengths of yarn that cannot be set on factory machines. In addition, using various kinds of yarn produces items with very unique finishes.


・サスティナブル " を流行で終わらせず、生産者も消費者も共に意識が変わり、社会がバランスよく、豊かになること
・より多くの人が尊厳をもって暮らす やさしい世界 を、ものづくりを通して実現すること



If we devise new ways to use these materials now being treated as industrial waste, we can create new value for them.

We, as both producers and consumers, need to change our way of thinking in order to positively impact our mass-consumption society and enrich our future. I believe that creativity can bring better balance to the manufacturing industry, and, therefore, grow the number of people living happily and respectfully in this kind world. If you relate to my philosophy and are interested in working together, please let me know. I would be happy to start something new with you :-)

( I can fly to any locations all over the world ! * )

テーマ:"They know"



Theme: "They know"

Drawing with yarn. 

Handwoven art gives opportunities to even shorter strands of yarn that cannot be used for handwoven tweed. 


whoopie roux では、あらたにオーガニック素材を取り入れようと、動き始めています。

Organic cotton and wool offer great environmental, health and sustainability benefits ー for water, soil, sheep, farmers and even consumers ー and return perfectly back to soil with time. With this in mind, whoopie roux has started moving forward to develop a meaningful relationship with these green materials.




whoopie roux では、動物、草花、フリルなどの本来、柔らかさのあるものをモチーフに、金属で表現しています。


Although jewelry was once worn primarily as a symbol of wealth and prestige, the development of costume jewelry in the 1920s has since allowed the general public to enjoy it as a part of their daily fashion.

All whoopie roux items are original creations — using beautiful vintage glass stones within their designs. They are often inspired by motifs with a soft nature — such as animals, flowers and ruffles. Each piece is thoughtfully designed, made into wax models, and finished in a small, but comfy, home studio in Japan. 

whoopie roux では今後、お手入れしながら永くお使いいただける silver925 無垢 のアイテムを中心に展開していきます。


Going forward, whoopie roux will be developing a line of silver925 items (with no plating) which can be used for a long time with proper and easy care.
I will also keep looking into the possibility of accessing more sustainable materials for whoopie roux's costume jewelry. If you are, by chance, well-versed in recycled silver or other sustainable / eco-friendly alternatives, I would be so happy to hear from you...!

- ブランド紹介 -

About the brand with Japanese subtitles.

" unconventional "

( = 型にはまらない)





You are who YOU ARE.
Don't be afraid of getting out of the majority.
Be yourself. I shall be myself.



Jewelry making videos with Japanese subtitles.

In reality, there are many processes involved in the creation of each piece, and it often takes more than a year ー from initial design to final product ー for an item to be ready for sale. I hope these videos can help you appreciate the atmosphere of production.


Videos introducing some interesting pieces and the various ways they can be enjoyed.




( 電話不可 / メールにてお願いします )

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Please check online shop for details. We are happy to help if you have any questions!